Top 5 Examples of AI Use in Daily Life


You might think that Artificial Intelligence (AI) use in daily life isn’t common when reality it plays a huge part. The use of AI isn’t limited to Tech giants and large-scale industries only but at individual levels too.

How does AI help in daily life?

Artificial Intelligence has the potential to make a massive impact on everyday life. There are so many advantages of AI in daily life that can help humans in one way or the other. In most cases, work done by AI is better than those done by humans. Tasks such as filling out the paperwork can be done more efficiently by AI and quicker. With the implementation of AI in daily life, humans can save time, be more organized, and work efficiently. It can be said without a doubt that AI is the future and is here to stay.

AI has taken over the world and TechsolAi provides insights on how this technology has changed the way we operate.

Let’s have a look at AI in daily life examples:

Facial Recognition

ai Facial Recognition

A very basic use of AI is to unlock our smartphones for use. The machine learning algorithms scan the face and then determine if the person trying to unlock is the owner or not. Besides this, industries are in work to upgrade AI in picking up facial expressions and moods.

Voice Assistants

Ai Voice Assistants

Another use of AI in daily life is as a voice assistant. Google Home, Alexa, and Siri all use AI interfaces to listen to voice commands. This technology has brought ease in everyday life as it can perform tasks such as playing music, turning off lights and so much more, all with a command.

Social Media Ai

Believe it or not, AI has made its way into social media apps such as Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. It personalizes the feed and provides suggestions based on consumer likings and preferences. This is a basic example of AI implementation in our daily life as social media is widely used and has a huge consumer base.

Streaming Platforms

We all use streaming services at some point in the day to relax and enjoy ourselves. Did you know that the recommendations shown on platforms like Netflix are because of AI?  AI keeps track of past viewing history and then provides recommendations accordingly. It monitors basic information such as the time at which you watch and the timeframe of the shows.

During Commute

The maps we access for navigation during travel are enabled by AI but it does more than that. It helps monitor traffic and provides real-time updates. Not only this it is also notified about weather updates and suggestions on which ways to avoid.

We are so used to having AI in daily life that it will be difficult to operate without it. Without realizing we have become dependent on AI and this is best explained by the above-mentioned examples. For more details on how AI is used in everyday life keep checking TechsolAi to remain updated.

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