6 ways you can use for Monetizing a blog or website

Mahin Jhangir

When it comes to monetizing a blog or website there are certain things to keep in mind. Starting a blog can seem tedious and frustrating but can become a source of earning.

In this blog Techsol AI discusses some of the strategies that can help monetizing a blog or a website.

How can beginners monetize a blog or website?

monetizing a blog or website
monetizing a blog or website

It is first important to understand that monetizing a blog or website takes time and cannot happen overnight. For those who have just started with blogging below are some ways that can help:

  1. Online ads
  2. Selling digital work such as E-books
  3. Affiliate marketing
  4. Sponsorships
  5. Freelancing
  6. Email Marketing

Let’s have a look at each in detail:

Online Ads

Online Ads
Online Ads

A tested and reliable way for monetizing a blog or website is through display ads normally banner ads. From each click you will be able to generate revenue. From the blogger’s end, minimal effort is needed. All that is required to do is set up an account and run online ads. The ads have to be relevant for example if your website or ad is related to beauty and health; a good idea is to run ads similar to this category.

Selling E-books

Selling E-books
Selling E-books

Once you’ve established yourself as a blogger and have an audience, the next step you can take is to sell the content as an E-book. The E-book can be the topics of the blog or be relevant to the target audience’s interest. For example if your blog is about Motherhood, your eBook could explain tips related to parenting.The ebook earns passive income and you make good This is a good way for monetizing a blog or a website as it can be downloaded several times.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing

It is a common practice when it comes to monetizing a blog or a website. To make it happen you need to partner with a brand, promote their products on which you earn commission. However this can only be done if both the partner and the blogger share the same interest. The content has to be in harmony with the brand you want to partner with. This is a good technique for those who have just started out with their blogging journey.



For people who have just started out as bloggers it can be difficult to create a name. This is where sponsorships help. You can ask already established brands to promote your work. Doing so will help you get recognition and attention from the desired audience.  You can thank the sponsor by adding their name in a banner or in any article.



Becoming a freelance writer is also a way you can use for monetizing a blog or a website. Since you have just started out you can create your name by joining freelance platforms. You will be able to expand your portfolio and even get hired for a full-time job if it is a relevant niche.

There are many freelancing platforms that provide opportunities and you can do so too. Do remember to add links to your website or blogs you have previously written.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing
Email Marketing

If done right can help you make good money. To do so you first need to build a lost. There are email marketing platforms that can assist in promotions. If successful you will be able to generate income from every subscription you get. All you have to do is engage the reader and build a connection with them.

These are reliable ways of monetizing a blog or a website that you can use. For more blogs related to monetization keep checking Techsol AI.

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