Basic Information/Introduction

Techsol Ai is a blogging website sharing information with users on latest tech trends. With our website we aim to provide services you need. To access full content of the website, accept the terms and conditions. Users can choose not to access the terms and conditions and can leave the website.

We require are users to accept any changes to the services. We can change the terms and conditions at any time. The changes will be notified either by mail or by the website. Users can subscribe to services offered by websites and any changes made on them. Users are free to unsubscribe if they feel it doesn’t meet their terms and conditions.

Website Type i.e. business website/ personal blog / online store

We are an online website blogging platform where blogs related to tech are shared. We aim to share with our users authentic information about latest tech updates and trends. Through our teams and conditions we aim to provide users with error free, glitch free and uninterrupted data. Our website has been designed using latest settings and services to make it accessible. Our terms clearly state that offensive language; racism, harassment, hate speech for minors and any spam will not be tolerated. We do not promote personal preferences about politics and religion in our content. Audience is advised to accept terms and conditions to avoid any hate comment.

License (have license or not of doing this type of business)

Techsol Ai has the license to provide users to use original content. Audience has the license to print, download, post and use of access display. Our terms and conditions do not allow audience to copy, sell and use plagiarized content from other websites or from websites somewhere else. It is to be noted that license rights are mandatory to follow and do not change by time.


For better experience of our services we use cookies. These are small text files stored on a user’s device that collect data related to user’s interaction with the website. It accesses your IP address, unique user ID and information about your carrier. Please note your information is saved with us and we will use it solely for the purpose of providing the best services. Not accepting cookies will not provide complete access to our website.

User Comments

Techsol reserves complete right of removing any content that is harmful or offensive as it will be considered a violation. Users have the right to express their opinion, point of view and other things related to a blog or article. These are not the opinions of the company and we are not responsible for their thoughts and opinions. We are not responsible for any damage or suffer caused by the comments on this website. Our main purpose is to provide

You agree to inform our website about any comment violating terms and conditions on the given email ID. To claim something in the comments of our website having a license is important.  Users cannot violate our copyrights.

Hyper Linking to our content

Users can hyperlink our website content. Through hyperlinking, one article can be attached to another to make it a complete document. The link of the website can then be shared on different apps. The link can have many files and documents on different apps. To enjoy our content you can create hyperlink for our website and have the all articles in one file.


Through Iframe you can see cross content on our website. This allows you to see documents, ads or videos on our website. The content can be enhanced further by adding videos, pages and documents. We use high quality media and content on our website. External media can be also be viewed along with different brand advertisements.

Content liabilities

Content posted on this platform belongs completely to Techsol and nobody else can claim it. In case of plagiarism or any harm to this platform a complaint will be registered in cyber crime. 

Reservations of Rights

All the data and content published on our website belongs to us.  No one has the authority to steal or copy our content. If anyone is found doing so action will be taken according to the license policy, in case of any copyright infringement observed on our website.

This platform may contain third party links. We do not take any responsibility for privacy practices of these websites. Before providing personal information it is advised that users read the privacy policy of these third party websites. Please note that we hold complete rights of removing any third-party links. Hyperlinks that violate community guidelines will be immediately removed.